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Fire Plans Review and Inspections Fee 

NEW FEE SCHEDULE goes into effect October 1, 2021.


Fire plans review and inspection fees. These will be collected by the City of Sanibel.

Building Construction (new and existing)1/4 of 1% or $200.00 minimum
Sprinkler System - Single Family1% or $100.00 minimum
 Sprinkler System - Multi-Family & Commercial1% or $125.00 minimum
Fire Alarm Systems1% or $125.00 minimum
Automatic Extinguishing Systems1% or $125.00 minimum
LPG Permits1% or $100.00 minimum
Development Order and/or Site Plan Review$100.00 per review
Hood Suppression System1% or $100.00 minimum
Cooking Hood System1% or $100.00 minimum
Temporary Tent Permits$75.00
Plans Review Revisions$50.00
Re-Inspections (per failed inspection)$100.00
Tar Kettles$75.00
Demolition Permit$100.00

Miscellaneous Fees - Paid to Sanibel Fire & Rescue District

Water System Flow Test$100.00
Beach Campfire Permit per AHJ$60.00
Pyrotechnics Inspection (includes permit & review)$150.00
Land Clearing of Vegetation by Burning on Private or Commercial Property-Issued by the Florida Forest Service - ONLY 
Certificate of Occupancy (change of ownership or use)$75.00
Fire Alarm Monitoring$100.00

 Standby Service Fees - Paid to Sanibel Fire & Rescue District.

Fire Engine or Ladder Truck*$85.00 per hour
Brush Truck or Boat*$50.00 per hour
Personnel rate is per person$40.00 per hour
*Apparatus will require a minimum of two Fire District personnel.

Fees for Certificates of Occupancy and Miscellaneous Fees must be paid at the Administration Office located at Station 1 prior to inspection. Fees for flow test must be paid at the time of the test results. Burn Permit fees should be paid when picking up permit at the Administration Office.

Office hours are 8:00 AM to 4:00 PM, Monday - Friday

Office Location: 2351 Palm Ridge Road Sanibel, Florida 33957


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